Please note… We know a lot of people scroll to the bottom and ignore this… but you could be missing out on:
1) Something very important.
2) A little bit of honest humour.
3) Please don’t be offended by humour. It’s there to help make a point and help you remember!

  • Waiver

    In consideration to My Body Rocks and Pole Rocks allowing me to participate, I acknowledge, understand and I am aware that:

    I have voluntarily chosen to participate in training activities provided My Body Rocks and Pole Rocks. I understand there are inherent risks in all aspects of physical training and I acknowledge that I have been informed that I have been informed by the possible strenuous nature of the training.

    I understand that the training may involve body weight lifting, gymnastic movements, strenuous exercises and other high exertion activities, and that I am not obligated to perform nor participate in any activity that I do not wish to do, and that it is my right to refuse such participation at any time during my training session. I understand that should I feel light-headed, faint, dizzy, nauseated, or experience pain or discomfort, I am to stop the activity and inform my instructor or team member assisting. I give My Body Rocks and Pole Rocks staff of the facilities permission to seek emergency medical services for me should I become injured or ill with the understanding that I am responsible for any expenses incurred.

    In Summary: I understand that My Body Rocks and Pole Rocks is a gym or fitness class with strenuous related activities. I can hurt myself if I do not follow instruction and muck around on the equipment! I agree to follow instruction and listen to the team and not be an idiot! I am therefore solely responsible for anything I do inside the facility.

    Recording of member contributions:

    We may from time to time take images and recordings during lessons for use on our Social media, website and Print, we may also reshare and promote yours and others' social content. 

    I agree that I wish to contribute to the Promotion of My Body Rocks Limited, detailed herein and I hereby consent to the capture of my image in footage by the My Body Rocks. I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I may withdraw my consent to be filmed and/or recorded at any time before the filming or recording.

    I hereby grant permission for My Body Rocks to record, reproduce and edit the recording of my Contribution for the sole purpose of My Body Rocks, This may be on Social Media, Our website and Print; and to authorise such reproduction as may be deemed necessary by My Body Rocks Limited to facilitate use of my Contribution for the purposes hereby permitted.

    To the extent that any recording made under this agreement captures a qualifying performance under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, I hereby authorise My Body Rocks to make such a recording and make the recording available as above

    I may remove my consent anytime by speaking with the Directors Daniel Laghaney and Sam Holden, or emailing

    You may from time to time appear in other students, social content, we have no control with regards to personal social media channels, however, you may speak with the content creator, to remove the post or let them know at the time of recording that you don't want to be in their content. If you're uncomfortable having this conversation, please speak with your Instructor and they will have the conversation for you. 

    My Booking with My Body Rocks, you agree to the above. 

  • First Time at The Studio FAQ's


    Please make sure you have filled in our medical form before coming to a class.

    Please remove Jewellery before the class starts as this damages the equipment and your belongings. You will be asked to remove it and put in a safe place if you are still wearing it.

    Do not moisturise as you will slip!

    Wear what you feel comfortable that doesnt restrict your movement.

    Sharing equipment

    Please note, We take 2 to a Pole which is industry standard. Please be mindful when on the pole sharing.

    Sharing works well to give you a break in between training. When students do not share they do spend half the time not always on the pole because of fatigue. 

    Having a pole or hoop buddy really helps give you the break and give a great vibe in the room making it more than just a fitness class!

    We recommend you bring 2 hand towels 1 that can be used to dry the pole and the other to dampen and wipe your hands to help improve your grip throughout the class.

    If you have any injuries that you need to discuss please get in touch with us so we can help advise you. 

  • Membership Terms and Conditions


    Purchasing a  membership requires a minimum commitment of 3 months.

    Our membership functions similar to a gym membership, has a minimum commitment of 3 months and can't be paused due to holidays' ect, however, they can be paused due to a medical issue that prevents you from exercising. 


    Memberships are paid for either by recurring card payment or Direct Debit every 4 weeks


    I want to do an extra class and have run out of credits. How do I do this? 


    Should you run out of Credits within your membership, you can continue to book classes at the pay-as-you-go rate,  some memberships include a discount on additional classes 

    Bronze: No Discount on Additional Credits 

    Silver: 20% off Additional Credits 

    Gold:  35% off Additional Credits 

    Platinum: 55% off Additional Credits

    Upgrading your Membership

    You can request that your membership be upgraded by either speaking with Daniel Sam or Sam Batts, 

    Your upgrade will take effect on your renewal date 

    How do I downgrade?

    You may request a Membership downgrade which will take effect on your renewal date. Changes cannot be made retroactively.

    How do I cancel?

    There is a 28-day cancellation policy.

    If you wish to cancel a direct debit or monthly membership we require 28 days’ notice. If the notice takes you into your next billing cycle, we will pro rata the final payment. Notice must be given in writing by email to


    Membership may be suspended in the event of redundancy, long-term illness, injury (which completely prevents training) or pregnancy. If you wish to Pauase/suspend your membership you will need to give us a minimum of 4 weeks notice

    Membership may be suspended for reasons not covered above at the discretion of My Body Rocks. During such suspension no payment will be taken but full payments will resume at the end of the agreed suspension or after 3 months.

    After returning from a period of suspension or injury you may be required to complete a Fundamentals course before re-joining classes at no extra cost. This will be at the discretion of My Body Rocks.

    Failure to pay membership fees

    If a membership remains unpaid after four days your account will be put on hold & access to the studio will be denied until the outstanding money has been paid. You can get locked out of your account. Please do not just cancel your d/d as a way of “beating the system” this will lock your account. You will be asked to pay a fee to unlock your account before you can book again.

    All monthly fees to be paid in full regardless of usage. If you pay for a month and cannot attend we do not offer a refund or extension. Membership cannot be transferred to another person.

    It is the member's responsibility to monitor membership expiration or renewal dates. This can be found on your profile in the app.

  • Course Cancellation Policy


    All Courses are non-refundable or transferrable once started. If you do not want to stay on the course we will not refund you for any unused parts of a course. You can stay on our forfeit your course.

    We have a 168hr cancellation policy  for all courses, if you cancel within 168hrs of your course start time, no refund is due

    Where you have taken advantage of the two-part pay option, you must pay your final balance, via the Groovio app, a minimum of 48 hours before the class starts time, failure to do so. will result in your place on the course automatically being cancelled. 

    You pay for the space for the duration of the course which stops anybody else from booking the space. Booking a course you are committing to the duration at your own risk.

    All bookings are considered final, and are only applicable for the exact dates of the product purchased.

    My Body Rocks and Pole Rocks do not provide any refunds/credit/replacement/deferring of class for any missed sessions or cancellations; the applicable exception is for exceptional circumstances. To meet the criteria of a medical cancellation, proof in the form of a doctor’s note (confirming that the student is not permitted to participate) must be provided

  • Class Cancellation Policy

    24HR Cancellation Policy

    Booking your space will secure your slot in the class.

    To cancel your space on a class, you must cancel via Groovio, our booking app a minimum of 24 hours before the class is due to start 

    You will be charged for late cancellations and effectively lose your class credit or payment if you cancel within 24 hours of class start time.

    We can not push your class credit back and we can not offer you a make-up class in its place.

    In the case where we may need to cancel a class you will be offered another class in its place at the same time and be refunded your credit to a credit that has no expiry date on it (these are like gold!)

    We want to avoid these as much as possible. 

    If we do find a class that holds consistently low numbers we may need to replace the class with a class that has higher demand. Want to keep the class? Help us promote it and earn rewards (ask the admin team for info!)

    Those on the My Body Rocks Unlimited Membership who don’t cancel their booked classes in line with the 24hr cancellation policy will incur a £7.75 no-show charge.

  • Class Attendance Policy

    Class Enrolment 

    All members are required to book their classes 24hrs in advance via our booking app Groovio

    We request you book your classes in advanced for the month once you receive your credits. By booking in advance, you help your instructor and studio. 

    1) We know what classes are busy and you need more of.

    2) This helps your instructors plan better for your lesson.

    3) This helps to avoid class cancellations.

    Class Bookings Waitlist:

    Should your class of choice be full you can ad yourself to the waitlist. If you have pre-registered into a class and can no longer attend, you will be required to cancel your registration up to 12hrs before the class start time without a credit charge. This is to allow notice for another person on the waitlist to join the class in your place giving that person enough notice to get to the class on time. 

    The system will notify you if a space has come available. Please make sure you tick the box to allow notifications from our app.

    Cancelling your class:

    Please note, If you cancel under 24hrs notice you will be charged a full credit cancellation fee, or if you paid for the class, this will not be refunded.

    Sign into your class:

    The Instructors need to sign you in when you get to class, please make sure to give the instructors your name if they do not know you – just incase the instructors forget to register names (they are human!)…

    Also this will ensure you’re in the correct room! – you don’t want to book a conditioning class and turn up at an exotic class now do you?!

  • Lateness

    Make sure to turn up to class on time! 

    1) If you miss the warm up – we can not take you due to health and safety insurance. You will likely pull a muscle if you’re not warmed up correctly. 

    2) Turning up late to a class disrupts the class! You will take the instructors time away from teaching the group who were there on time.

    We do understand there’s traffic. Please try and leave 10 minutes earlier to help get through it.

    On a serious note…

    IF you do have issues on route, please notify the facebook page or GROUP (there are more instructors on the groups able to pick it up) so the team can prepare for your arrival the best they can. But please note we can not guarantee being able to help last minute, but we will try. Please be patient if you do arrive late and treat the team with kindness as they will be in the middle of teaching. We typically give a 5 minute grace period, but the instructor on duty will determine if they’re able to make time to warm you up. Ultimately it is the instructors decision if they can safely take their time away from the class to warm you up. If the instructor is teaching a skill or strength section. Or major part of the plan which needs their attention, you may be asked to attend the next scheduled class if it is of suitable level otherwise it would be classes as a late forfeit of class. We can not refund this class.

    This policy is to ensure the class runs to schedule, other students are not effected, and run in a safe manner. We value your safety as well as other class members and the instructors time, and we ask for our members to respect this policy and make every effort to arrive on time, if not early to a class. 

    Additionally, if a member is consistently late to a class it appears they are abusing the late policy, the member will be asked to attend the next available class if level appropriate or suggested another class time more do-able for them.

  • Refunds

    My Body Rocks will not provide a refund retroactively for any cancellation requests. 

    We have a no refund, no transfer, no do-over policy.

     It is up to the purchaser to ensure that they are available for the course, class or workshop and that they remain in good health to attend.

    Once you have purchased your class or course we are not able to refund any money or transfer you to a different course or class at a later date.

    Although we are sympathetic to everyone's circumstances we cannot be responsible for events and issues outside our control including, but not exclusively, children's sickness, other people falling ill, the participant falling ill, injuries or travel issues.

    ​It is your responsibility to re-book your class through our App.

    We do not issue a refund if you do not use your membership, nor can you carry over your sessions to the next month if you miss class.

    Membership cancellations are only processed by sending written notifications via email or to the studio admin managers on the Facebook pages.

  • Open Training

    Open training is for the use of ACTIVE MEMBERS ONLY. It is a studio benefit and we regulate this for the safety of our students. 

    You must sign in, if open training is included in your membership note this on the sign-in sheet, if you need to pay, scan the QR code and pay in the studio, the sign-in sheet will be checked against the payment record and CCTV. 

    Please note; that your open training sessions are like using a gym. You will be unsupervised and there might not be anybody else on site.

    We recommend training with a partner for safety reasons. 

    Most accidents happen when you loose concentration. Please put a mat down when you are training even if you are professional.

    Training on your own is at your own risk and you should purchase your own insurance to ensure you are covered in all cases.


    For open training it is at your own risk, please think about purchasing Personal Accident Insurance to cover you incase you gain injury from self training. This is only between £3-8 per month and worth buying. You will not be insured in our facility training without supervision.

    We can not accept liability for accidents for self-training.

    Please wipe down your equipment after use and put anything you use back in the correct places.

    Do not leave rubbish in the studios and please treat the studio with respect.

    No dogs are to be taken into the studio without permission and any mess made must be cleaned up after you have finished training.

    Be mindful of others who are using the space and say hello as I'm sure we all appreciate others being friendly and welcoming!


    Open training is not for beginner students due to safety. Do not book this if you have never done pole or aerial before.

  • Recording of member contributions

    Recording of member contributions:

    We may from time to time take images and recordings during lessons for use on our Social media, website and Print, we may also reshare and promote yours and others' social content. 

    I agree that I wish to contribute to the Promotion of My Body Rocks Limited, detailed herein and I hereby consent to the capture of my image in footage by the My Body Rocks. I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I may withdraw my consent to be filmed and/or recorded at any time before the filming or recording.

    I hereby grant permission for My Body Rocks to record, reproduce and edit the recording of my Contribution for the sole purpose of My Body Rocks, This may be on Social Media, Our website and Print; and to authorise such reproduction as may be deemed necessary by My Body Rocks Limited to facilitate use of my Contribution for the purposes hereby permitted.

    To the extent that any recording made under this agreement captures a qualifying performance under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, I hereby authorise My Body Rocks to make such a recording and make the recording available as above

    I may remove my consent anytime by speaking with the Directors Daniel Laghaney and Sam Holden, or emailing

    You may from time to time appear in other students, social content, we have no control with regards to personal social media channels, however, you may speak with the content creator, to remove the post or let them know at the time of recording that you don't want to be in their content. If you're uncomfortable having this conversation, please speak with your Instructor and they will have the conversation for you. 

  • Privacy Policy

    The privacy of your personal information is important to My Body Rocks Limited. We will not sell, rent or trade your personal information to any third party. We take care to protect the privacy and security of your information. This policy explains our information practices and the way that The Pole Studio collects and uses your information. 


    When you register to make any booking at My Body Rocks Limited we collect contact information such as address, phone number, emergency contact details, e-mail address and student information such as student name, medical condition and comments. Some of the information is required and is noted with a red asterisk on the forms. This information is needed to manage studio business and will not be used or sold for any other purpose, except as described below. Some of the information is optional (NOT marked with a red asterisk). Optional information is requested to help us better understand our customers and is used only as needed for studio business. This information will not be used or sold for any other purposes, except as described below.

    We may from time to time take images or recordings of member contributions during lessons, the use of these can be found within the “Recording of Member Contribution Policy” which can be found on our website and within the Waiver at the point of creating an account on Groovio our booking system 

    If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or if you wish to update or remove any of your personal information, please email


    Our website will link to other websites and services from time to time. My Body Rocks Limited will always attempt to associate with only the most trustworthy partners who share our high standards regarding privacy. Nevertheless, we are not responsible for the content of and privacy practices of any other companies or websites.

  • Studio Location Finders Fee



    We offer a finder’s fee to My Body Rocks Members who identify and introduce us to possible venues that are suitable for our expansion and growth, The finder’s fee is payable only upon the successful location agreement and the opening of that Studio.

    The referral may be for a full-time of part-time studio 


     1. Discovery.

    Finder's "Discovery" of a new studio location shall occur only if the location and premises are identified and introduced by the member and acknowledged by Daniel Laghaney, My Body Rocks Co-owner in writing, The finder shall not be deemed to have discovered any location who contacted or were contacted by My Body Rocks Limited before date of submission by the Member.

     2. Eligibility.

    In order to be eligible for the finders fee you must hold a valid and active My Body Rocks Membership, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum or Unlimited membership at the point the new studio opens to be eligible for the finder’s fee,  you must also be a paying member at the point the finders fee is due for payment.


    3. Date of Payment.

    The Finder's Fee shall become due and payable by My Body Rocks to the Member 30days after the new Studio opens. 


    4. Calculation of Finder's Fee.

    For purposes of this Agreement, the Finder's Fee shall be paid in the amount of £1000 or the Member may choose to have 6 Months free Unlimited Membership to use across all our Studios. 

    5. Retainment 

    Any introductions by our members to new locations will be valid for 6 months, if within those 6 months the locations are opened, the member will be entitled to the finder’s fee, outside of 6 months the member is not entitled to the finder's free. 

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